I wasn't really talented and I knew nothing about music but but hardwork got me where I am today." Black Coffee 

I wasn't really talented and I knew nothing about music but but hardwork got me where I am today." Black Coffee 

I loved music but I discovered quite early that I couldn't sing. People get drawn into music when they can sing or play instruments but I just knew that I wanted to be in the music scene. 

Then the thought of being a DJ came to my mind though I couldn't really produce by then but I knew I could do it. Anything that had to with music in school or my neighborhood, I always tried to be involved so I could learn. 

Being successful is all about belief and taking chances. Most people are so afraîd to faîl that they don't even try. If you have a have a dream, just believe in yourself and work hard because we live in a world where people will always try to dîscourage you but all that matters is your belief because if you believe in yourself, you'd know what's best for you." Black Coffee

In whatever you do, people will always dîscourage you but all that matters is what you think of yourself.

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