The whîteman used to make our ancestors lôse weight so they couldn't be strong enough to revõlt before bringing them to America." Steve Harvey

"Every blãck person living should go to Ghana and see them slavę castles, so you can see what they did to us. You've got to see what they did to us. You've got to see how they built these dungęons underground and they put these churches untop. And they dũg holes in the ground to pump the music or what they call theur christianity into the holes. Let me explain something to you all, they walked our ancestors as far as they can first to make them lôse weight. 

They put them in a room, they cut a door and after you've been in this room in two weeks, they walk you through this door. If you lôse the right amount of weight, you fit through the door. If you don't fit through the door, you've to stay in the room. Then you go to a different room for another week and if you can't fit through the door, then you haven't lôst enough weight. You've gotta go through four doors like this before you go through the door of no ręturn where you become a slavę."__American actor/TV host, Steve Harvey makes a shockîng revelatîon‼️

Ghanaian slãve castles include Elmina Castle and Fort Christiansborg. They were used to harbour enslãved Africans before they were loaded onto shîps and sõld in the Americas, especially the Caribbean. This "gate of no ręturn" was the last stõp before crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

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